Redefining Wellness for Our Littles
Raising Eden's Littles
Learning basic health skills that enable us to feel well and truly love who we are should be as important as learning to read. We must learn to eat well, exercise, relax, regulate our emotions, honor ourselves, and live in good relationship to one another, and this starts when we are little ones! Health is not merely the absence of disease; we must invest in ourselves to attain happiness and optimal health. Parents too deserve a pediatric provider they can trust to partner with them in their child's health.

Teaching Our Children
Interestingly, our children learn to address the complaints of the body as mere physical symptoms and attempt cures that attend only to these physical manifestations of disease. We know though, and can teach our children, that health and happiness is also linked to our emotional state and our immediate surroundings. Our approach to healing should incorporate awareness of all the subtle aspects of our lives and the ways these can be disturbed, resulting in physical illness. Learning to honor ourselves is a lifelong journey. My desire is to not just care for your little one's physical health, and teach them about their growing bodies, but to encourage their curiosity in how we can support our bodies to grow healthy and even heal themselves. We can work together to help your child navigate a path authentic and honoring to them.
Health & Happiness
Our health and happiness comes down to forces that no science or technology can fully explain. Modern medicine is just in the beginning of acknowledging what traditional cultures all over the world have always recognized - that not all of life can be reduced to a measurable, physical explanation. While I want to address the physical health of Eden's Littles, as your child's primary care provider, I see health and wellness way bigger than that, and it excites me to have opportunity to work with you to empower your child, little or adolescent, through education and connection.

Care in the Comfort of Your Home at Your Convenience
Even when I had a large clinic, care for children was always more fun in the comfort of their own home. This allowed siblings to play freely rather than get bored as they waited their turn, relieving a great deal of frustration for their parents. It also eliminated a lot of the intimidation children feel in a medical clinic. Parents were more relaxed and better able to engage in our discussion, offering me much more opportunity to really explore the more pertinent needs unique to each child. It's such a joy too, pulling up to a client's home and the children running outside, yelling "Hi! Dr. Lane! We've missed you!" These types of relationships with families and their littles are exactly why I love this amazing thing I get to do - living out my dream of being Dr. Quinn.
Empowering Education &
Authentic Connection
My goal as your child's pediatric provider is to help them embrace wellness and really develop their own intuition, even learning how to become their own healer. It's also really important to me that your children feel they can express what they are feeling, both about their bodies and in response to health care needs and recommendations, and are able to influence what happens to them. When our little ones, and not-so-little ones, have questions about their bodies, we can give them understandable explanations so they learn how their bodies function, but also helping them develop their own resourcefulness for gathering information will help them greatly as a healthcare consumer. Eden's Littles and their Adults have access to an extensive educational forum and place for connection with like-minded folk.

Not Your Typical Doctor's Visit
We would be thrilled to connect and discuss potential for your little one to join our Eden family. If you'd be interested in a fifteen minute, "meet the Doc", we would be happy to accommodate via Zoom.
Ask about our Multiple Child Discount.
Dr. Lane is a Family Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse-Midwife serving the Lexington area.
She also holds an undergraduate degree in Maternal & Child Health: Lactation Consulting. Her first 15 years in private practice was largely attending homebirths and assisting breastfeeding couples. She has retired her baby catching and sleepless nights for building relationships as a primary care provider. Dr. Lane takes a functional and integrative approach and values whole health, without judgment. We are all doing our best.

Dr. Lane & Miss Ruby
Our littlest ones and their families can join Dr. Lane and her youngest daughter, Miss Ruby, on hikes throughout Kentucky and Indiana. They also lead Kid's Yoga classes together, exclusive for Eden's Little Ones, either out in nature or virtually, and they share nature art events in the park or workshops for making your own family first aide kit with nature's healing botanicals.
Our great treasure though is our online educational program, written entirely by Dr. Lane, discussing anything and everything related to care from the newborn to the young adult. These balance scientific understanding with the art of ancient wisdom. Dr. Lane also circles up with her clients in private group sessions throughout the year to explore a plethora of topics and answer any questions. Miss Ruby makes an appearance on occasion as well. If you would like to connect with us, and join our little Eden family, reach out today.