Courses & Connection
Our private consultations simply don't allow me time to offer all that I hope to offer to help empower you and equip you
For active members of Eden Family Practice who would like to join our wellness community.
This is where we will discuss botanical medicine and various healing modalities from Mother Earth.
Our brains and minds are so very connected, that one reflects the health of the other.
Values All Parts of Your Being: Physical, Mental, Emotional, Energetic, & Your Experiences
Embrace your autumn, turning in with gratitude, caring for self, understanding physical norms, optimize your vitality!
This eight week series will explore all seven chakras, with the final week culminating in a kundalini yoga program.
Safe place to learn and find encouragement since we weren't given a manual.
This program will work to educate and empower you in determining the best strategies for creating the physic you desire.
Inflammation is a necessary response for optimal health, but only on a very short term basis. Let's talk.
- Questions & AnswersNot only do I enjoy education myself, a life-long learner and true nerd at heart, I really enjoy curating this knowledge for my clients. Maybe that's the homeschool Momma in me, maybe that's just part of who I am, an educator, or maybe I've witnessed too many women bullied in their childbearing experience, parents belittled and overpowered when seeking care for their precious child, or too many really intelligent people simply ignored, even dehumanized, in my career to motivate me to want to arm them, or empower them with education. The art and science of healthcare, wellness, nutrition, nature, trauma, epigenetics, chronic disease, and holistic growth and development, all of it, just fascinates me. You know how you don't always recognize your own little mannerisms or sayings until you see them in your children? Mine are always saying, "Did you know!?" And then they share something super fascinating they learned about black holes or embryonic cells or turtles. This makes me laugh because I do the same thing with my clients. If you enjoy learning, and you want to understand your health at the root of your dis-comfort and dis-ease, I am your gal. If you want to better understand how to dig in and find your most favorite self, beyond even your physical health, I'd love to help you do that. Created Over Forty Courses with More Than Twenty Hours of Well-Researched Education in Each I absolutely adore sharing all the fascinating bits of knowledge I obtain through my research and just digging in because my curiosity demands it. As I learn, I write and create. I share my thoughts, my experiences and sometimes I fear, I might share too much, but often I receive private messages of gratitude. These stories touch many of you and help you connect; they are validating and encouraging, even help you self-reflect a bit. I am human too. I have my own traumas and battle my own thorns. I know how hard it is to heal after life really kicks you in the gut, and kicks you again and again. I am still doing much of the work of healing myself. I am no longer drowning, overwhelmed and struggling to recognize my most authentic self, but I am still growing and learning how to show up in the world as my most favorite version of who I am. I am stronger in some areas than others, but I have learned a great deal, walked along side many in their own journeys as their healer and friend, and really hope that in sharing my knowledge, I can offer your more a bird's eye view. I've been there. Empowering Mommas through Education I do have a few areas of expertise. For example, I attended births for more than 20 years and attended about 3,000 births, both in the hospital and in the home setting. I have extensive education in breastfeeding and mothering. I also have six children, did a lot wrong and in hindsight, can offer some wisdom. My education here is just that: food for thought. I share what we understand from the literature, from my broad eye's view, and I challenge your thinking, no matter your position. I feel it is important to consider all sides of any argument, but it is my intent for you never to recognize my personal opinion or choices on the matter. Your experience is unique to you. This is a safe place to nurture your understanding, not a place of judgment. We are all in very different areas of our journey in this life. I trust you will make the best decision for yourself and your family. Optimizing Pregnancy What I offer then is a program called Optimizing Pregnancy. When I was in midwifery practice, this was the program I offered my pregnant clients, similar to CenteringPregnancy if you are familiar. All Mommas and their partners due in the same month would come in at the same time for group appointments and education. We had great fun and talked about all sorts of pregnancy related topics, all the common ones for each trimester and lots of the controversial ones, as well as just fun tips. This style of care let us go far deeper than a quick prenatal appointment would ever have allowed. While I am not offering maternity services anymore or even group prenatals, I have created an online space for education and connection. Here I all of those discussions, what you might expect, what you want to consider, and maybe all those perspectives on the topics that your provider wouldn't otherwise tell you because they simply haven't the time, or maybe they haven't dug so deep into the issue. I offer virtual Q&A sessions in this group and it's available to Mommas throughout their childbearing year for only $33 a month. Children & Adolescents This leads into our Eden Little's group which has a plethora of information about raising babies to adolescents, from their physical health, growth, and development at every stage, to their emotional and mental needs, even their relationships with friends and with nature. If you've ever wanted to pick the brain of your child's primary care provider, their herbalist, their wellness coach, or another experienced Mamma, then here is that opportunity but one exclusive to my primary care clients. I have poured my thoughts and heart into my primary care practice, specifically my little and not-so-little ones, in this educational resource and I want my clientele to remain my priority so my time is really invested in nurturing this clientele. Also, to nurture wellness and to have a little fun, my daughter, Ruby, and I teach Kid's yoga classes for our littles, both in nature and virtually, and we offer workshops on nature art, botanical medicine, or another topic of interest. There are discussion posts within the group about various wellness issues, a number of topics specific to newborns, and more than 200 posts related to acute care concerns and chronic health that members can access at any time. Parenting Authentically: 15 Week Program One of my favorite resources though is the Parenting Authentic Littles program, open to anyone and everyone who may have interest. This one sort of poured out of me a few years ago, as I was reflecting on having a young daughter and another raising her own children. I was feeling pretty introspective about what I wish I could have done differently, where I thought I was doing things well but in hindsight realize that I really wasn't well equipped, knowledgeable, or even healed enough to manage. I was also feeling a little heart ache at how fast the years fly by and appreciating the mass amount of wisdom we want to give our little ones, but it seems there just isn't time and the moment is gone. Had I opportunity to just get in a few super important lessons, maybe 15 lessons, then these were them so I wrote the course, with discussions, activities, and all sorts of fun for families. This one is great for all ages, and probably best if repeated, but certainly that time between five-and-ten is optimal, when they are still very invested in your teaching and their relationship with you. Vaccine Awareness Our Vaccine Awareness group is another resource for parents, which I created not only to educate parents about the science and history of vaccines, but to allow them safe place to really dive into what we know, beyond the recommendations. As a scientist, it is my job to think critically and question what we think we know, but as an educator in graduate nursing programs, I know the reality is that while many clinicians lack basic knowledge about the various vaccines or even immunology, they often find any discussion about immunizations confrontational and defiant, which can result in reporting and either parents avoiding future care or clinicians restricting access. This, in my opinion, is deplorable. While many states do allow for some sort of exemption, the reality is that not immunizing your child can also be perceived as medical neglect. This argument though is negated when you have evidence of having done your research, and determined what is best for your family. My position, to be clear, is not anti-immunization. I do want to educate you and help you find safe space so that information can truly be processed without pressure, persuasion, or threat. I will challenge your thinking, no matter your current position, because as a scientist, that is my role and responsibility. In a culture where we are not allowed to ask questions, there should be concern and more critical evaluation before making these decisions. ADHD & Autism As a momma of six children, each on the spectrum in one flavor or another, I am all too familiar with the travesty of knowledge among healthcare regarding this population of beautiful people. From the perspective of the clinician, there is little to no training in this regard. The utter ignorance in, "Can they dress themselves and feed themselves," and if so there is little else they need to evaluate, "unless they are hard to manage and then here are some pharmaceuticals and a referral to behavior modification therapy in effort to make interacting with them easier on everyone else in society." This is a tough topic to cover, at least very well, because it is in fact a spectrum, and it presents differently in each person and even in the same person, at different ages. I am taking on the challenge though, because so few have and having understanding on both sides, as a Momma and Clinician, I want to help equip you in ways that were really hard for me. I resisted modern medicine, even a diagnosis at first. There is risk here. However, modern medicine has profoundly failed this population so there is much to consider when consider options or even approaches to care. This program is a place for education, for all ages, to better understanding underlying causes, how you might navigate your options, and what sort of modalities might truly improve your experience in a world not quite ready to make accommodations for the neurodiverse. Empowering Clients in Wellness: Creating Authentic Connection As if I wasn't already having enough fun with all the courses above, primary care from a much bigger perspective is almost entirely about management of chronic disease, and then functional medicine takes a deeper look into these dis-eases and works to discover root cause and maybe, addressing some of that through integrative healing modalities. This is great and I am passionate about that, but no amount of supplements is going to fix the health of a woman experiencing hormonal imbalance because she is suffering in a toxic relationship or the rising blood pressure, decreasing libido, and expanding waist line for the man who is completely overwhelmed from over committing at work in effort to pay off his financial debt. Wellness is really the missing link in healthcare. Every one knows, even the pharmaceutical sales representative will tell you that changing your diet and lifestyle is the first step in managing your high cholesterol, but beyond good luck to you, a pat on the back, and see you in six months, there is little more offered. Nutrition is great. Exercise is great. But this isn't enough, and these alone are already super hard to adjust. Did you know it is easier to persuade someone to change their religion, than it is to persuade them to change their diet!? Add to this though, trauma, emotional regulation, connection, belonging, struggling with your own personal identity in mid-life crisis, limiting beliefs and yeah, those expensive supplements might only make for really expensive urine. Investing in yourself and your health and happiness is really a commitment in honoring yourself. Our society isn't in this mindset. It's a big transition, but one I promise you will never regret. You are worth it. Even with visits ten times longer than the average medical consultation, I can't teach you all this so I have created courses. Now you know what I did during the pandemic. I wrote and wrote and wrote, and hiked, did a little yoga, worked in my garden, played with the kids, and I wrote. As much as the world suffered, and I grieve that for each and every one, for me, it was necessary reprieve. That work through a few years in my mid-forties, as I was working to heal myself, is what I am offering you, and as always, it is a balance of art and science. Wellness Program The Eden Wellness Program is really about wellness care or health screenings and pretty typical acute care and chronic health issues, with a functional and integrative mindset, that you would discuss with your primary care providers, or more so with your functional medicine clinician. Within this group, the treatments and resources are much more extensive than they are for topics within my blog. The discussion on Histamine Intolerance or Identifying Mold is going to discuss how to identify it and offer an extensive discussion on how you might approach this issue for yourself. When I take a course on any one of these topics, or dive into the research, I write, sharing that knowledge with you. When I work with clients in our functional consultations or especially in primary care, I can then say, here is the map with each step outlined, and here is further reading on the topic. They can identify that we have a very thorough plan and are better informed on why, how, and even, alternative options. Hundreds of topics are explored in this program, available exclusively to my functional and primary care clients. Yoga & Mindfulness Our society is not very embodied. We are much like brains sitting atop bodies and those bodies are often little more than the accessory that moves us from place to place. We don't really offer much attention to our physical health, not remembering even how we might have gotten a bruise or why our symptoms began. We don't spend time reflecting on our emotions, and what those might mean. We aren't even creating healthy boundaries for ourselves, spending time being creative or exploring hobbies, and we certainly aren't mastering how to observe our thoughts, rather than become them. Yoga and mindfulness is a practice that can transform your life for potentially no other reason than it makes you take notice. I am a certified yoga instructor with over 500 hours of training, and lead classes three times each week for which any one of my active clients can participate for free. These are offered virtually so you can find comfort and convenience within your own home. All you need is a mat, a glass of water, and internet connection. We create space for checking in with our mental health, our emotional well-being, building physical strength and flexibility, and learning to honor our own needs. These courses are great for all bodies, all ages, and all abilities. If you think you aren't flexible enough for yoga, then you are the exact person who needs a yoga class. Join me on the mat. MRT & LEAP or our Gut Health Program Most of our clients have some level of gut dysbiosis, so with any symptoms, MRT testing and LEAP therapy is my preference. This includes a blood test and six weeks of nutritional therapy. This is not an elimination diet, or even an IgG diet; it is very specific to you. We have a program very specific to this modality, but for clients who have already completed MRT testing but recognize their gut is off for whatever reason, maybe a recent illness, then our Gut Health program is excellent for determining how to identify the underlying cause and get yourself back in balance. Epigenetics: Nature verses Nurture Wanna dig into your DNA variants and discover where you might support your body's code so when trauma, inflammation, or illness presents you have reserve? If you have MTHFR, COMT, histamine variants, or any of our fun dopamine or serotonin variants, join me in this super nerdy discussion. Into the next decade it is said that modern medicine will no longer use the more common blood chemistries, but instead, utilize epigenetic profiles for addressing dis-ease and optimizing wellness. Monthly Book Club The book club is the extension of our wellness programs and really part of my own desire to read more books, so doing so with each of you holds me accountable. Everyone is welcome. I've been leading these since before the pandemic and discussions are always quite intriguing. Books are chosen well in advance, so you can peek ahead, and read at your leisure. These are books that will encourage us on our journey. More recently, it occurred to me to create forums for discussion, so this is available to you as well, but monthly - the first Sunday of each month - we meet virtually to discuss our thoughts on the book. You are welcome to join, simply notify me on our homepage under events. Functional & Integrative Wellness Programs After having such great success with our maternity program and its structure with group prenatals within longer two hour sessions packed with education, I crafted a similar program to address thyroid healing, which was a lot of the clientele I was seeing early in my functional medicine practice. These programs offered private consultations, but then group classes taught by myself over a few months of time, totally about 25 hours of education. They were a huge success and ranged anywhere from $1,800 to $8,200, with about $4,200 the average cost. These were covered by health savings accounts and by co-op insurance plans. It was truly miraculous how many individuals really took this knowledge and effectively integrated it into their lives and found significant healing. I began to expand these programs to include infertility, sexual dysfunction, anxiety and depression, but after moving to Lexington, I began moving this work into online courses. The information is significant, but there are also audios that can be downloaded, and I am working to add videos. There are also live sessions throughout the year where I present on a particular topic, answer questions, and offer space of connection. Optimizing Thyroid Healing This program when taught in person, offers 28 hours of education. It discusses diagnosis and the challenges or missteps clinicians sometimes take, so that you can be your best advocate. We also discuss treatment options, including botanical medicine, and we explore the whys and hows of thyroid health. Clinicians don't get this much education in thyroid health. Grounding the Anxiety There are many reasons for anxiety; it isn't something we are simply afflicted. This program helps break down those underlying causes and empowers you to rectify those issues, as well as identify personal boundaries, tools for healing, and emotional regulation. Hormones, Stress, & Fatty Liver Maybe you've heard this called adrenal fatigue, or HPA axis dysfunction, but this course is all about the connection between food, stress, hormones, and the consequences, which are often central obesity, liver disease, diabetes and sometimes undiagnosed ADHD. We will talk through causes and courses of correction in this course. Immunity & Inflammation This is my group for our chronic fatigue clients, chronic pain, Lyme, mold, Lupus, and I've added our histamine folks in here too, although they're also sprinkled into the anxiety group as well. Empowering Physical Wellness Maybe this is a weight loss program for you. Maybe it's about just toning up and figuring out how to care for your physical body, after identifying your underlying root issues, but this is journey towards improving our physical health not a quick fix plan. This program is for creating lifestyle changes that last life long. We're going to dig into the science and address misconceptions such as obesity being solely about diet and exercise. We talk about individualizing programs so you aren't injured or traumatized. We talk about pharmaceutical weight loss options and nutriceuticals. This one is also about really enjoying the process. Trauma & Somatic Healing This is what we overlook in functional medicine: the deep trauma we bury. All the best supplements won't fix what we bury in our cells, our energy, our essence. We must work through these traumas, our narrative, our somatic experiences if we truly want to heal. Women's Health & Wellness As much as I love caring for the entire family, women really are my specialty. We have long been dismissed, ignored, and labeled hysteric. This is why I created the Thyroid Healing program so many years ago. These were the women who most often said they weren't heard. I wanted to dig in and understand their concerns. Today as I move through peri-menopause with menopause right around the corner, hormone health is where I appreciate women, yet again, are not well understood. Sexual health was my first course though, specific to women's health and as I am sure you'll appreciate, a topic too many clinicians simply won't discuss in primary care. Intimacy & Sexual Health This was maybe the third or fourth course I created and taught live, in groups, more than a decade ago. The course sold for $1,800 and it was well attended. Sexual therapists in general are hard to find, and clinicians really hesitate talking about this issue. This is such an important part of our relationships though, our happiness, and our health. This is a safe place to learn; the course is evidence-based, and it is empowering. Healing the Core & Pelvic Health As part of my yoga training, I created this course to address the multitude of issues women suffer as their traumatize their core, either through pregnancy, obesity, or from simply sitting at one's desk for a few hours each day. Posture is vital, but so is resetting that muscle memory when we adapt our breathing and movement to pregnancy, injuries, or obesity. Sitting creates tight hips and this impacts our core. Perimenopause impacts our bums, as does sitting many hours, and this will impact our core because our body works to compensate. Anxiety causes us to breath much more shallow, which negates the organic toning our body is designed to offer our perineum. Many of our complaints and discomforts, we don't even recognize as core strength issues, or even pelvic. This program is packed full of education, and yoga. I am continually on this journey after six kids and sitting at my computer for so many hours, so I am working along side you here, conquering my own bad habits. Embracing the Crone We tend to pathologize aging and menopause, but these can be the best years of your life! Certainly we have much to discuss here, such as our changing hormones and how to better balance these, nutrition, protecting your muscle and bone mass, as well as preserving your emotional health, but what about your new identity? Are you living authentically? Women's Healing Circle This gathering resulted from many, many women sharing in our private consultations that they felt the burden of society's conditioning on their lives and were just really done with it. Some had trauma from growing up in their church. Some had assumed too much responsibility in their marriage and became very overwhelmed, even losing touch with who they are, and others are just tired of being told they are "too much," "talk too much," or "need to calm down" and "be nice." Yoga was excellent healing for me here, but gathering with women and just exploring all those things prohibited to us before, saying all the shit we are never allowed to say, dancing as if no one is watching, all of it - in a safe place, with ladies who celebrate us is incredibly healing. We all need connection and to feel as if we belong, especially when we let our most wild and weird self lead. This gathering of women circles up several times each year for solidarity and support. There is no science here; well, maybe a little. This connection though is much more about healing arts. Holistic Healing & Earth Medicine Healing modalities through time are broad, but they are full of intrigue. As I've studied each myself, in effort to connect with nature and understand the healing arts of our ancient ancestors, I couldn't help but share some of this with you. I've dug into the science that exists, but also really opened myself to learning from generations of wisdom before me. All of this I've curated for you. Earth Medicine This is my primary healing modality. It is where I feel most comfortable and where I am most knowledgeable. My approach remains balancing science with art. We explore everything there is know about botanical medicine in this course, so if you want to learn to be your family's healer, this is the course for you. We talk herbs once a month, create some sort of herbal concoction like a green witch from time past, or maybe like Claire from Outlander, certainly like all my sister midwives from generations before me. Highly Sensitive: Empath Have you been told you're "too sensitive?" Are you overwhelmed by the needs of others, always sacrificing, even martyring yourself for others? Maybe you need help recovering from the repeated pattern of toxic relationships, romantic and otherwise? Maybe you're starting to recognize that there is both trauma and intuitive gift wrapped up in your overwhelming sense of empathy? You recognize that you are a healer, but maybe a wounded one struggling to heal yourself? Healing Crystals I am the kid who always had a rock in her pocket. It was fun to feel and calmed me. I am now the adult who always picks up rocks on trails and who can get lost in a crystal store for hours. There are many claims about crystals and their healing energies. This is more intuitive than it is scientific, but there's value there too. We talk about that in this course, and we also have show and tell, and geek out on our crystal treasures. Exploring the Chakras We can't deny energy. We use it in medicine as a diagnostic tool. We can measure the energy swirls at each of our chakras. What does this mean? How does this impact our health or does it at all? Dive in with me and learn about your seven chakras. Understanding the Elements For some, understanding the attributes of the elements, can be quite healing. Again, while there is some science here, most of this is ancient healing arts.Like
- Questions & AnswersDr. Lane is licensed to practice as a family nurse practitioner and certified nurse-midwife in both Indiana and Kentucky. Outside of this territory, Dr. Lane's services are limited to functional and integrative consultations, education, and yoga. Primary care services are limited to Indiana clients already active in her practice and clients who reside in Central Kentucky, near the Lexington area. We are accepting new Kentucky clients at this time, but are no longer accepting new primary care clients within Indiana. Certainly though, consultations for functional medicine are welcome. You will need another primary care provider to manage your wellness exams and pharmaceutical therapies if outside her service area. Dr. Lane is no longer catching babies, as a midwife, in any territory. Dr. Lane did practice in Central Indiana for more than a decade, with multiple clinic locations, so our apologies if your google searches pull up addresses anywhere between Carmel, Indiana to Lexington, Kentucky. We are working with Google to get that cleaned up but creating a new internet footprint takes a little bit of time. Your interacting with our site and social media does help in that effort. We appreciate you! Care is Offered Virtually & in Your Home As a midwife, while I did have a clinic for most prenatal and postpartum visits, it was such a joy meeting clients in their own home. This was also super convenient for families with several children; they could play as I talked with mom and dad, or their sibling. Mom could better focus and certainly there was less intimidation for the little one. It also helps families feel more in control, more an equal partner in their care. As a new Lexington resident, we are still learning the area and not confident where we want to put down our roots. Once we do, I hope to have a really homey space for a few exam rooms, a lounge for gathering, a yoga studio, even maybe some wilderness for yoga and mindfulness workshops. I would be overjoyed if we could even have space for goat yoga, an incredible garden, or even a lake for SUP. Either way, to invest in a clinic at this point would significant increase the practice's overhead and unnecessarily raise fees for clients. Home visits work well, let's me channel my inner Dr. Quinn, and so this will be my primary practice location until the market changes and my clientele-base can support a larger investment. Having said that, most of healthcare really can be offered virtually, including a functional and integrative consultation, nutritional or laboratory follow-up discussions, or even a number of sick-care visits.Like
- Questions & AnswersMy background is quite diverse from studying as a midwife, an herbalist, a family nurse-practitioner, and a yogi. I value Earth Medicine, conventional science, and the innate healing power of our own bodies. I respect plants, science, my clients, and the planet. When I work with clients, I do have a sense of philophies that guide me and this is where I find connection. Having the spirit of a healer is both an art and a science. It is about compassion and meeting each person where they are at on their healing journey. It's about empowering them through education to be their own best healer. These philosophies are my compass of sorts, a way of engaging with my clients. Each Individual is an Evolving with Their Own Inherent Wisdom From our very core, at the cellular level, each of us have an inherent healing power. My goal is to support the body so that its natural state of dynamic balance can do the work of healing. Sometimes my craft is about nudging that healing process. This may be identifying noxious influences in the environment to improve the system, such as detoxifying our diet, our home, our relationships, and our thoughts and perceptions. It may mean using botanical medicine or food to support the body's underlying well-being and functioning in order to allow intrinsic healing to occur, but it will also include nature, sleep, joy, and maybe, at times, herbs or pharmaceuticals. Our bodies can be overburdened, exhausted and need rejuvenation so recognizing that, identifying the need and the degree of support necessary, is my role. Yours is investing in self. Empower through Education & Guiding in Self-Care Miss Ruby, my youngest, helping in the garden. And yes, those thighs are all breastmilk chub. My heart has always been education. I feel education is empowering and I love to share knowledge so you can delight in all the beauty this life journey has to offer, along with me. I do feel though that we are each responsible for our own well-being and do not see my clients as dependent upon me for healing. I'll provide guidance, resources, and encouragement, even community, but the work is yours. I know well though, that knowledge doesn't always equate to application. There is much working against us, so creating a healthy lifestyle that enables you to independently maintain a state of optimal well-being, and to have the knowledge to make modifications and adjustments necessary to maintain optimal health, can still be an incredible hurdle alone. I am transparent about my own struggles, my own hurdles and my desire is to offer you community and accountability. This is life long work. The Client Maintains Power and Authority over Self This maybe defines me as a practitioner more than any other principle. My relationship with my client is not based on a hierarchical model. Rather, it is based on a partnership model, that values equality between the practitioner and the one seeking care. Midwives and herbalists, and clinicians, should not have authority of their clients, but neither are we ultimately responsible for the client. This healing journey again, is your work. We are the resource, the educator, and the compassionate listener. We are on a mutual journey together in effort to best understand your condition and needs, and to gather the necessary resources for improving the client's condition. Responsibility is in your hands, and certainly shared with me, but you know your needs best. Offer an Integrative and Holistic View First I listen, a lot. I take a broad view of the many factors in your life that impact your health and wellness. My plans are then broad and based on many factors that impact dis-ease rather than just focusing on symptoms or illness, or a single manifestation of dysfunction. If you come to me to address a chronic herpes outbreak, we will talk about stress, your emotional triggers, your boundaries, and part of your treatment plan will include attention to stress reduction along with utilization of adaptogens and nervine herbs to support both immediate and long term stress. We won't simply utilize antiviral herbal medications. Healing is an Opportunity for Personal Growth We don't seek out these hurdles so we can grow and heal, but they are opportunities for us. Illness provides us an opportunity to consider our place in the universe, our place in our life's journey, and also our place in our family, in our relationships, and in out lives. It provides a great time for reflection and introspection, and an opportunity to re-invent oneself. We can evaluate our lifestyle habits, our mental habits, and even our beliefs and how they may be interfering with our well-being. My role again is compassion and understanding as you work to find meaning and opportunity in these times. Treating the Person, Not the Symptoms This isn't a PR stunt; it literally means my philosophy is to go deeper than the body's warning sign and identify the root problem of any issue. Giving medications to silence discomfort is like pulling the batteries out of your smoke detector. Ignore this without correcting the problem and eventually your house will burn down. Many discomforts are your body's natural attempt to replair, heal, or protect the body. Symptoms are our allies. They are the cookie crumbs that walk us towards the work that needs healed. Empathetic, Caring, & Non-Judgmental My work is to offer you a safe place to heal, and recognize and honor the highest ideals in each individual. We are all human and in our own way, doing our best. I have no rigid set of rules, no routines assigned to everyone. Rather, I engage in the belief that equilibrium comes from our choices, our freedom, and the consequences of such, not part of a cycle of guilt, blame, and punishment. Our choices too, are so incredible complex and unique to each of our own journeys. Our patterns differ, as do our coping strategies, our traumas, our environments, and our resources. Again, we are all just doing our best. I offer flexibility, acceptance, and patience. I will offer you therapeutic connection, but this work is yours. Unique Approaches for Unique Individuals There just isn't ever one presentation or one approach or one way to manifest health and wellness, no matter how similar two things or people may present. Patterns emerge and decades of experience can help me discern potentials, but this is a mutual journey we identify together, as well as craft plans and engage in healing. Your personal experience is as important as my expertise in the science and art of healing. Intuition is also part of our work together, part of decision-making, as is intellect and emotions. We must pay attention to all the nuances of healing, but intuitive knowing comes from academic understanding and decades of diverse experience. I am open to all the various forms of knowing. Dis-ease is always seen in the context of your lived experience.Like